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Hydrogen Garage
Until the day you can
Now physics will tell us it is impossible to run a car oh HHO gas all from water, they will tell you it takes more energy to break the water than the energy output, therefore your wasting your time. Unless you add longitudinal energy ( non-Hertzian energy, coined the phases by Nikola Tesla) Tesla said this "radiant energy" is all around us the static electricity in the air that keeps magnets charged continually. WE HAVE NOT BEEN TAUGHT THIS IN SCHOOLS. Actually are told at universities that this energy DOES NOT EXIST! and depending on the size of the ego of the skeptic professor, the more mad they become when you mention words like "over unity" FACT : 4,700 gag ordered patents in a vault at the US Patent Office, since 1930, that means once every 2 weeks a new patent gets gag ordered by the "industrial military industrial .01% banksters, the ones who lost the 2016 US election. They pay off the inventor/patent and shelf it. Come in and learn about the aether, the free energy all around us. Welcome to 12 years of honest research and 10 years of HHO business. Learning to run a car on 100% WATER is a reality, but heavily suppressed, to the degree of murdering the inventor who will NOT sell out to the NWO Bankster, Black Psyops , need to know basis, Military Industrial Complex owners. The WAR profiteers, hillary backers, liars, bankers and CIA/NSA/FBI spy agencies. Sorry to say the TRUTH, that may not agree with you, but please read on. We did alot of research and we COMPLY by making HHO boosters, to SAVE you fuel. In the spring of 2010, this VW bug was witnessed running fine on 100% charged scalar water H3 (deuterium water). The only draw back was that the exhaust had a NH3 ammonia putrid smell. More photos. At first Stan was running the buggy on a tall tube cell in a large round tall cell. Later on he tried his water injector high voltage spark plugs. Much like these plugs. Is last attempt at running the buggy on water, he used his VIC circuit and resonance chamber filled with water, charge the water to a deuterium? H3 state. Steve Ryan did this similar method in his motorcycle in NZ. The poor inventor Stan Meyer (dune buggy owner) was poisoned at a restaurant and died in the parking lot in 1998. Three months later Yull Brown the down under inventor of Brown's Gas mysterious dies. These 2 water car inventors were mentioned at 1998 oil Summit in Venezuela and the executives freaked out, 2 weeks later Stan mysteriously dies. They also got Andrija Puharich, the doctor with the great big motorhome :40 foot long that ran on water alone! Sounds like a joke, but I ain't lying!Do the research yourself! Stanley Meyer Video Channel 2011
| Cells for 12L diesel engines Saving 10% to 30% MPG! Great opportunity! Become a HHO Trucker Sales/installer! Another way to run a car on water : Cold Fusion and new inventor Andre Rossi is at it again. The Shareef don't like it! Rockin' the Casbah
Another inventor Bob Boyce® can run a V6 engine and a 2.0L on 100% water, using a 100 cell box. In 2008 he drove 2 Toyota Prius's on water and electric to DC, to show the big wigs, a DOD project. As soon as they found out it worked and Bob would NOT sell them his 1981 gag ordered patents for his 'sealed series cell HHO designs', they decided to chip him instead. 4 months later he was drugged and chipped with cancer isotopes. Today the chips are out and Bob lives! Jesus healed him of the cancer! and the prayers of all the water car forum guys about 10,000 people on yahoo group forums. The person responsible for the drugging and chipping of the inventor is now in prison till 2029 for beating his wife in public and holding up 4 citizens with a gun. 2/2015 I can only say "HE'S ALIVE!" Herman P. Anderson, a stealth bomber & star war consultant & nuclear physicist got a green Ford LTD to run on deuterium water from his homemade cell! It ran on scalar charged water. "Many people do not realize that when you run a car or truck on gasoline of diesel fuel, you are actually running it on hydrogen. And all we are doing is using the hydrogen from water. Safest gas on the planet, because there is no fumes. And under the National Bureau of Standards figures shows that when you use water, the energy release is roughly two and a half times more powerful then that of gasoline. So water is a very powerful fuel." Stan Meyers 1992 You don't need the carbon that pollutes the earth and also bankrupts the citizens. Oil Corps and NSA/FBI/CIA/BlackOps have bought out this technology, or murdered the inventor, so you the citizen is blindfolded. You will EVER hear about this on TV. You have to get the information here or YOUTUBE. Man will evolve. God wants us to have FREE energy, someday we will see this, if we survive as a race. The elite wants US all dead, or their slaves. Many people find this part hard to believe. WATER vs. PETRO DOLLAR is a WAR. Banking tattoo of verichip under the skin is even worse! Of you take the chip or banking tattoo you will sell your soul.
Stan was no dummy. His twin brother Stephen Meyer is a live and well. Listen to Stan now. 1992 Global Sciences Congress Seminar. Water Powered Cars or Hydrogen/Oxygen Powered Cars, using 100% water as fuel is real. By splitting water by electrolysis and creating hydrogen/oxygen gas, you can replace gasoline. We have been taught this is impossible! Engineers, scientists and professors may in fact tell tell you you're crazy to believe such non sense. They will also set out to prove you wrong. They base their laws of physics form 1825 thinking. Faraday's laws. Did you know that the first ICE engine ran on hydrogen from water? BMW has them! Hyundai will be making them. Japan indorses them. Many patents, inventions have been bought and there project is shelved, yes it is true. Some of the stubborn inventors who don't sell out disappear. Yes that's right. It happens in the US, Aus, NZ, UK and India. We are in a crunch to find alternative fuels. The pressure is on. War for oil is not the way to go. Talking politics about a hydrogen future that never comes, is not going to help either. Arthur C. Clarke explained how there were four stages in the way scientists react to the development of anything of a revolutionary nature. 1) "It's nonsense," If all ICE motors (Internal Combustion Engines) were converted to burn hydrogen and oxygen in the water, as fuel to propel our cars, trucks, semi's etc., we would no longer need gas stations, oil tankers, refineries, SMOG and war. The only problem would be that the large Oil Corporations would go under and SMOG would leave the planet for good. The government is worried that National Securities would be ruptured & it would cause the economy to fall? The Ozone would get healed and we would survive. God will then once again smile down on the Earth, instead of letting the powers to be, destroy it. If we stopped producing SMOG, the ozone and global warming and greenhouse effects would go away. The present US administration and DOE (US Dept. of Energy) seems to not want this to happen, they make too much money selling you gas and feeding you the media. Only outlaws drive water powered cars, according to our present laws. Why there are not making any SMOG for us to breathe. Fighting for oil under the sand never made any sense to me.
Listen to this video, all 10 parts, if you want to hear about this technology. Not a myth or a crime. Hear it from the man who is ahead of his field, from a recent Hydrogen Show. 2/09 Bob Boyce® Also see WHO KILLED THE ELECTRIC CAR? and the sequel : REVENGE OF THE ELECTRIC CAR Another Inconvenient Truth - FREE ENERGY Beware : inventors of Water Cars disappear, or bought or die. Many get bought out and their invention shelved. Alot of people don't believe this part. Most think your crazy for mentioning it. I'm not trying to scare you, or create fear, just stating fact is all. Go read these stories and you might change your mind. A guy named Bill recently (4/06) made a Joe Cell Replica in his Ford truck, he says ran like a hotrod, but was approached by 2 men who threatened him to stop his "Free Energy" experiments, otherwise lose your Grand children. So poor Bill stopped his progress. READ the LATEST NEWS *Attention! Most of you are victims of the major media. The Big Banks own the media, so they control the masses by media. Are you going to let them, NO. Well turn your channel to LINK TV 7 Free Speech TV. We are losing our rights, we need to Get up, stand up. Stand up for your rights. Bob Marley. You may NOT get the the REAL truth watching commercial TV, you need to educate your self on Only joking. I don't trust canned media . "Even the elect of God will be deceived "and that one might be you. ( Read Luke 18:7-9, Matt.24:24-28, Mark 13:22-37 ) Please start watching LINK.TV & FREESPEECH.TV today! You will find the TRUTH and you will be able to relate, "You will not see it on TV, but you'll sure see it on YouTube!" Simply type in"hydrogen generator " and spend hours learning about HHO gas
All carbon is gone & save up to 10% to 40% MPG savings! Also will turn their rigs into a dragster! Up to 8 liters per minute of hydroxy gas added to the air mix. Get one installed today! Another step closer to a Water Powered Trucker!
The 200 MPG Book that was banned and not allowed to be published, out of print and the author? Download it now!
After 8 years of research I gathered all the information I could to make these web pages. I will continue to add more. Why you ask, because water powered cars can and will heal the planet. My intention is to inform everyone of alternative fuel is here, but not being used. The DOE and present administration's idea of a Hydrogen Future is not reality, just a waste of research money. They give 20 billion dollars away into Hydrogen Research, in which only pads their wallets, not ours. Watch this quick video, notice how he laughs and chuckles about this issue. We need him to follow though with his words. Imagine Hydrogen Gas Stations of the future where you drive up to fill your car up with pressurized hydrogen (like LP propane fuel today, but more dangerous tanks) for how much a gallon? $10 a gallon? How much for the car Try $200K. When you can make your own hydrogen real easy! Water is Free if you have a well. Collect the rain water off your roofs. Easy solution. Once Water takes over. The Oil Empire will shrink, so and that is why they fight so hard to keep us un-informed. But thanks to God and the Internet we can live better! I encourage everyone who reads this to build one yourself. I have not personally built a successful water car yet, but I'm presently working on one in my spare time. A lot of interest is sparking up and a wave of truth is coming to us all. In 2007 I started a business : Hydrogen Garage, now I work with Hydrogen Trucker & Hydrogen Junkie. & We are enjoying our new found occupation. "Who is stopping the Water Powered Car? 20 billion dollar$ being spent to stop it. See the video. New Zealanders have Water Powered Cars & Motorcycles! See the videos now!! ®Meet the Sponsor! of the Major Share Owner of WPC Inc. un-LTD
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